Tuesday, June 7, 2011

(Almost a) Working Girl

I have one year of college left before I officially join the workforce (yikes!), so in order to learn the ropes I’m spending the summer interning with a business coaching firm.  My boss has my dream job.  She’s a marketing maven who heads her own business coaching and consulting firm, works out of a home office, and is a wife and mother.  During my interview when she asked why I was interested in working for her I told her that I want her job and that I’d appreciate anything that she can teach me.  Too much?  Maybe.  Whatever, she hired me!

The first week on the job was overwhelming.  I felt completely clueless.  Now, three weeks in, I’m feeling much more confident.  I’ve already learned so much, and I’m actually really enjoying the work.  I’m cutting and editing audio, setting up conference calling with international clients, and writing and broadcasting weekly e-newsletter articles.  I even have my very own business e-mail: allison@(name of the coaching firm).com.  So cool!

Yesterday Jocelyn called on her way home from work.  Happy hour?  Yes please!  Cocktails and gossip with the girls is the best remedy for the Monday blues.

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