Thursday, August 1, 2013

Moving On Up

I have some pretty big news: in two weeks I'll be moving into my first big girl, post-grad digs! I moved back in with Mom & Dad after graduation last year, and, after a year of working and saving, I'm gearing up to move to Philly with my college roommate.

Jordan and I met during sophomore year and became friends after a long ride back to campus together. We immediately grew close and eventually decided to room together junior year.  I was very happy living with Jordan. She likes a clean house, and I like a clean house. She's kind of a homebody, and I'm kind of a homebody. She likes to watch "Friends", and I like to watch "Friends". She likes Jack Daniels, and I like Jack Daniels. It was perfect.

Jordan isn't just a great roommate; she's a great friend. She held my hair back after too many birthday cocktails. She jumped on my bed in excitement when A first asked me to dinner. She let me cry on her shoulder when I got my first job rejection email. She stayed up late with me talking about the future. It's amazing how much has already changed since we graduated from college last year, and I'm so glad that I'll have Jo by my side as I navigate this next year.


  1. Hey Allie, this is Steve, Jordan's stepdad. Everything u say about her is true. I'm so proud of her, blessings to u both!

  2. This is so precious! I'm so excited to visit :)
