Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Currently Craving: TOMS Ballet Flats

photo courtesy of TOMS
They're here!
The socially responsible foot candy that I've been craving since I first heard of its soon-to-be existence is now available.
Preppy/hipster collegians everywhere, rejoice.

P.S. I am super excited to be posting from my new MacBook Pro!  My PC went into a coma two weeks ago, but I wasn't toooo disappointed once I learned that the contents of my hard drive could be salvaged and that Daddy would go halfsies with me on a Mac.  Add that to the iPhone that I got for Christmas and this girl is no longer the technological equivalent of a cavewoman.  Call it a tribute to Steve Jobs, but I am single-handedly trying to keep Apple in business.

P.P.S. Before my laptop entered into its vegetable-like state, I was working on some serious updates, the photos for which have been trapped on my old hard drive awaiting the arrival of their new home (my new Mac - duh).  Long story short: get excited.  It's about to get crazy up in here.

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