Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Christmas List

It's countdown time.  Christmas is two months from today! 
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying watching the leaves change
and I'm looking forward to Halloween and Thanksgiving,
but nothing beats the Christmas season.
Decorating the tree.
Baking Christmas cookies.
Wrapping gifts for loved ones.
Snuggling by the fireplace with my family.

In my family, Christmas lists are due well before the holidays. 
If you're still not sure what to ask for (cough cough Jocelyn),
here are a few ideas: 

Visa Gift Card
photo courtesy of Google
As a broke college student, it seems irresponsible to not save a check. 
But gift cards are meant to be spent, right?  A gift that allows me pay for a
new dress, a night out with friends, DIY supplies or anything else my
little heart desires?  Yes please! 

Donation to the charity or non-profit of your choice
photos courtesy of alphadeltapi.org and kiva.org
It's the season of giving.  Research organizations that support a
cause close to your heart and ask that a donation be made in your name. 
My top choices: Ronald McDonald House Charities
and Kiva Microloan Organization.

photos courtesy of Pinterest
Here's a gift that will give you something to look forward to
after the holidays are over!  Ask for an event, be it movie or
concert tickets, a voucher for a night out on the town, or a
certificate for an all-girls afternoon.  One of my favorite gifts
is three joint certificates from Mom: one for an afternoon
of shopping, one for some money to spend, and one for lunch. 
I love spending an afternoon laughing over lunch and 
sifting through clothing racks with my stylish mama.

photo courtesy of piperlime.com
Frivolous?  Maybe.  Fun?  Definitely!  My pick: Melie Bianco 'Madison' Satchel.

photo courtesy of Pinterest
I've stuck with the same perfume for years now and I'm ready for a change.
On my list this year: j'adore Dior.

Workout Gear
photos courtesy of pressplayfitness.com and Pinterest
What better way to make good on that upcoming new year’s resolution
than to hit the road/gym/yoga mat with some cute new gear?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your support of RMHC!! Love the shout-out and love the wish list!
